My eyes bled when you left.
Right before our callousness, our memories faded like blue.
My heart can't even remember the rhythm of our love.
The nooks of my heart that your love like yeast puffed up melted like ice.
I don't pray for your sky to be ill or wish for your indifference to heal.
I only want you to mourn this gift we couldn't keep.
I rather you mourn this thing that we once had.
Love is not sick, we are.
Time didn't put us here, we did.
It was funny how we needed victories but couldn't swallow the little wars.
It is still funny.
I'm not sorry that you couldn't stay.
I'm not sorry that you thought I was too much for you.
I'm not sorry for you.
I'm only sorry that I believed you when you said we could work.
I'm sorry I loved you in full when you could only receive in bits.
I'm still sorry.